Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation 10

A short, 10 item version of the CORE-OM to be used as screening tool and outcome measure when the CORE-OM is considered too long for routine use. Items cover anxiety (2 items), depression (2 items), trauma (1 item), physical problems (1 item) functioning (3 items - day to day, close relationships, social relationships) and risk to self (1 item). The measure has 6 high intensity/severity and 4 low intensity/severity items.


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CORE Instruments by CORE System Trust is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0


Import this questionnaire into your chosen impact tool:


Please read each statement and think how often you felt that way last week

Not at allOnly OccasionallySometimesOftenMost or all the time
* indicates that a question uses reversed scorings


1. I have felt tense, anxious or nervous

2. I have felt I have someone to turn to for support when needed *

3. I have felt able to cope when things go wrong *

4. Talking to people has felt too much for me

5. I have felt panic or terror

6. I made plans to end my life

7. I have had difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep

8. I have felt despairing or hopeless

9. I have felt unhappy

10. Unwanted images or memories have been distressing me


Clinical Score